Game log 1
Game Log Day 1
Gamemaster: Petra
Storyteller: Ingrid
Artist: Alma
Designer: Nicoline
Crafter: Astrid
The Game Log 1 should have the following structure and contain the following elements (that will be built upon in the next phase and used in the team's presentation for the Expert Council)
1. Cultural Heritage, EU Values, Game Type & Cultural/Societal Theme
First, document your work with the “Ideation Wheel” and “Ideation Capture Card”
(with an image) and then list, describe and illustrate your team’s
- chosen cultural heritage
- chosen EU value(s)
- chosen game type
- chosen cultural/societal theme
2.First Idea: Games for Culture
Look at all you have produced during the “Experience phase” and from each
cultural game jam role reflect on (also using images or other documentation
methods to illustrate the process and results):
How will your team develop a game:
- that uses cultural heritage
- engages EU values
- is a different gameworld with innovative gameplay
- to address a specific cultural/societal theme or issue.
We find it hard just yet to conclude on only one idea. We are still in the brainstorming phase. We would like to focus on the EU value ‘equality’ since it is something that has been and still is a big factor in the world. We have discussed equality in perspective to the equal relationship between humans and animals. With animals, consumer culture has a big impact on the quality of life of animals. If we consumed less and eliminated mass production and throw-away culture animals would have a much better life. This could be portrayed in a game where a turtle would swim in the ocean, trying to escape and dodge the trash floating around. On the beach a human would sit eating a burger and constantly throwing trash in the ocean, making it an endless cycle for the turtle to escape.
Another ongoing equality perspective is gender equality, which could also be projected in a game, where choosing between two characters; female/male would impact the obstacles and the difficulty of the game.
- Why is this game important or new to you regarding culture and/or society?
It focuses on consumer culture, and the effects greediness has on our planet. It focuses on the collaboration within the EU, and their focus on protecting our planet as well as animals. If we go with equality in gender roles, it will focus on the steps the EU has taken to promote gender equality, within the workplace as well as in the household. With that stated, there are still actions to be taken to further push this aspect of equality, which the game perhaps could reflect.
- What impact might this game have on young people's relationship with European values and 'The European way of life'?
The turtle idea might shine some light on this generation's problem with over-consumerism and how this impacts our planet, but also how this “shopaholic” tendency is a form of escapism and a way to cope in a society where we have lost touch with each other, ourselves and nature.
- How does your game provide new interactions or experiences in/with culture,
Our ideas now do not necessarily provide new experiences with culture, but hopefully it will further push climate change, animal rights, gender equality and consumer consumption as real problems, which needs to be dealt with.
- From the team members on the group's chosen culture/artwork and how it will be used as 'material' to create a game for culture.
We have not chosen an artwork to use as inspiration for the game, but we like the idea of highlighting/showing different gameplays depending on the chosen character.
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